well...semalam pegi sambut besday Tasha...technically besday dia arini 23/01/2011 ttp memandangkan dia dok asmara....eh asrama hehehehe...pastu semalam sekolah plak sbb ganti utk raya cina jadi kiteorg satu family ke asrama dia and bawak dia keluar pegi makan KFC kat bandar kota bharu...KFC saja...>_< tp before that papa adalah belikan kek utk dia so dia ley celebrate and makan dgn budak2 dorm dia mlm nnti....
On the way ke asrama Tasha.... |
Makan KFC sampai kenyang xhengat dunia >_< |
amek gmbar ngn Papa...huhu slalunya susah benor nak mintak bergambar ngn dia..Kalah artis Malaysia nih... ^_^ |
Happy Birthday to my sweet anf chubby sister Yusma NurulNatasha...Hope this year will be the best ever birthday as well as your life... ^_^
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